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Actor comedian Along Cham performs ‘sujud syukur’ after DNAA for cannabis possession, re-charged with drug offences

SEPANG, Jan 27 — Actor and comedian Muhammad Nizamuddin Ahmad, better known as Along Cham, performed the “sujud syukur” (prostration of gratitude) after the Sessions Court, here, granted him a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) on a charge of possessing cannabis.

The 41-year-old former contestant on the Raja Lawak reality show, however, was re-charged in the Magistrates’ Court, today, with two counts of possessing and administering drugs.

In the proceedings at the Section Court today, Judge Ahmad Fuad Othman ruled on the charge against Muhammad Nizamuddin as DNAA.

“The charge, under Section 39A (2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act (ADB) 1952, is DNAA. Subsequently, you will be re-charged in the Magistrates’ Court, and the charges against you will be amended,” the judge said.

Earlier, deputy public prosecutor Nurul Faraheen Yahya had requested that the prosecution against the accused be moved to the Magistrates’ Court, to face charges under Section 39A (1) of the ADB 1952, following the results of the chemical analysis report.

On December 20 last year, Muhammad Nizamuddin was charged at the Sessions Court with possessing a substance suspected to be cannabis, weighing 58.23 grams (g), at his residence in Cyberjaya, on December 14, 2024, at 3.10pm.

In the Magistrates’ Court today, Muhammad Nizamuddin pleaded not guilty to two charges of possessing cannabis and administering drugs into his body, on the same day.

According to the first charge, the comedian was charged with possession of cannabis, weighing 49.61g, at a house in Cyberjaya here at 3.10pm on December 14, 2024, and the charge was framed under Section 6 ADB 1952 and punishable under 39(a)(1) of the same law.

For the second charge, he was charged with administering a dangerous drug, suspected of being tetra hydrocannibol (THC), on the same date at 10pm, at the Sepang district police headquarters, here.

The charge was framed under Section 15(1)(a) ADB 1952, read with 38B of the same law, which carries a fine of not more than RM5,000 or imprisonment of up to two years, and supervision of not less than two years and not more than three years.

Deputy public prosecutor, Mohamed Wafi Husain, proposed bail of RM8,000 for the accused on both charges. However, his lawyer, Kamal Hisham Jaafar, appealed for a lower bail of RM4,000 on various grounds.

Magistrate, Muhammad Bukhori Md Ruslan, then set the bail at RM3,500 for one charge and RM1,500 for the other, with one surety for each.

The court set April 7 for mention and submission of the chemical report. — Bernama


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