MOH: All Haj pilgrims must get meningococcal jab, Covid-19 and flu shots for high-risk groups
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 15 — All prospective Haj pilgrims are required to obtain the meningococcal vaccine, while the Covid-19 and influenza vaccines are mandatory for those in high-risk groups.
The Health Ministry (MOH), citing a press release issued by Tabung Haji (TH) yesterday, said Covid-19 and influenza vaccination is required for pilgrims aged 65 and above and individuals classified as high-risk during health screenings.
Eligible Haj pilgrims can obtain the Covid-19 vaccine free of charge at 247 selected health clinics nationwide, with appointments to be scheduled via the MySejahtera application or TH’s official website at
“Covid-19 vaccination appointments can be arranged through MySejahtera from Feb 14, with vaccinations set to begin on Feb 17.
“Appointment reminder notifications will also be sent via MySejahtera a day before the scheduled date,” MOH said in a statement today.
According to MOH, pilgrims who do not fall under the mandatory category may opt for voluntary Covid-19 vaccination at designated healthcare facilities after consultation with a medical officer.
Meanwhile, those aged 65 and above and individuals classified as high-risk during health screenings must obtain the influenza vaccine at private healthcare facilities listed on MySejahtera or those authorised to upload the Digital Vaccination Certificate to the application.
“In line with the recently announced National Influenza Immunisation Programme, Malaysian Haj pilgrims aged 60 and above with at least one chronic illness can receive the influenza vaccine for free at selected government health facilities.
“Appointments can be made via MySejahtera from Feb 14, with vaccination slots available from Feb 18,” MOH added.
The public may contact MOH or TH for further inquiries regarding the latest vaccination guidelines for Haj pilgrims. — Bernama