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Deputy premier: Sarawak mulls reducing ‘sick project’ classification to 30 days of delay

KUCHING, March 15 — The Sarawak Infrastructure and Ports Development Ministry (MIPD) is considering the possibility of shortening the classification of “sick projects” to just 30 days of delay, its minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said.

Uggah, who is also Sarawak Deputy Premier, said under the current regulation set by the Public Works Department (JKR), it could only take action if an approved project is not actively implemented up to 100 days.

“We had our discussion and felt that 100 days duration is too long… so we are trying our best to see how we can reduce this to just 30 days,” he told reporters in Spaoh, Betong today.

Shortening the duration would enable JKR to make early intervention and save a lot of time as contractors who had been awarded with projects but not seen to actively implement it for up to 30 days of its schedule would reflect their incapability, he added.

“So JKR can make the termination decision. Our intention is not to make things difficult for the contractors but our task is to ensure all projects approved must be implemented based on schedule to meet their objectives,” he summed up.

Uggah pointed out that the number of sick projects in Sarawak had been reduced drastically from over 100 to just only two projects since he took over as Infrastructure and Ports Development Minister and this translated to positive spin-off effects to the economic activities where the projects took place.

On another issue, he said Sarawak JKR would recruit 414 new officers to handle the increasing number of projects to be implemented in the state, following an indication by Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg that the state budget could possibly reached RM20 billion in the future.

“With this huge budget, there is obviously a need for JKR to increase or improve its capacity and capability in the implementation process. After all there are still areas where roads need to be built, upgraded and maintained,” he added.

Uggah had earlier officiated the ground-breaking ceremonies for the upgrading of Mara/Selangking/Nanga Sela/Tanjung Paoh Road costing RM16 million, as well as the RM20 million Spaoh spur road. — Bernama


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