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Vendors near Sg Dua school say sad over death of Primary Four boy from choking, but none was selling eyeball-shaped gummy

BUTTERWORTH, Feb 21 – Several snack vendors near SK Sungai Dua here have reportedly expressed sadness over the death of a Year Four pupil who is believed to have choked on an eyeball-shaped gummy.

New Straits Times reported that there were three vendors selling snacks around the school for students waiting for their parents, but none were selling the specific gummy.

A vendor who only wanted to be known as Kak Su, 46, said she had not sold such sweets for a long time and was recently inspected by the Penang Health Department and the Seberang Perai Municipal Council Licensing Division.

She stated that she runs a snack stall as a side business alongside selling banana fritters and chooses products carefully, having stopped selling the gummy long ago.

Another calling herself Mak Cik Na, 52 — who sells snacks and homemade ice cream from her home beside the school — said she prioritises the safety of children and was saddened by the incident.

She mentioned that she sometimes gives snacks for free to kids who do not have enough money, as they only cost around 50 sen each.

Earlier, police confirmed that there was no foul play in the death of the 10-year-old boy, Mohammad Fahmi Hafiz Mohammad Fakhruddin, who choked on a gummy two days ago.

The boy died last night while receiving treatment at the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit of the Penang Hospital.

The Primary Four student from Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Sungai Dua was believed to have bought the candy outside the school before going to his 2.30 pm Quran and Fardhu Ain class.


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